星期日, 一月 04, 2009

水晶的保养:清洗方法(Clean and Care for Crystal)




钻石、绿柱石、紫锂辉石、橄榄石、蛋白石、黄玉、碧玺等。此类宝石,硬度较高,但其本身具有天然的裂痕和脆性,遇到碰撞会容易碎裂,故避免撞击。 怕怕热的宝石 珍珠、绿宝石、松石、珊瑚、琥珀、蛋白石等。高热对于这些宝石不利,容易产生裂痕,故不应该放近高温地方和长时间曝晒于太阳下。

紫水晶、黄水晶、紫锂辉石、黄玉、松石、红纹石等。此类宝石经紫外光照射后,会轻微褪色,失去光泽,故应避免长时间被紫外光照射。 怕酸钙的宝石 珍珠、松石、琥珀、孔雀石、蛋白石、紫龙晶等。此类宝石对汗水和化妆品都比较敏感,故不宜直接接触,用后应用半湿软布抹干净。





将适量海盐( 或粗盐 )按10:1的比例放入清水中溶解,然后将水晶浸泡其中大约三至四个小时,便可消解水晶内部磁场,同时对于水晶表面的污垢具有一定的清洗作用。其实平时放入食用盐便可代替。  

只需将水晶直接埋藏于海盐( 或粗盐 )堆中4小时以上,便可达到净化水晶的磁场作用。但是感觉此种方法对于内陆城市的人群不太适合。  



需要到水晶店购买一块约四磅或以上的晶簇,然后将水晶放在上面,透过晶簇发出的能量来为晶石充电、同时又能清除水晶内在的“浊气”,达到平衡磁场的效果。 不过这种方法还需要前期投入购买“晶簇”,对于一般人群来说没有必要,实用性不强。 以上就是水晶佩戴前的清洁方法以及原理,大家可以根据自身条件进行选择。通过清洗,这块水晶就真正的属于你啦!

General Crystal Care Tips
  • Store your crystal where it won't touch other items.
  • Do not store crystal glasses upside down as it can put stress to the rim, which is very delicate.
  • Carry your pieces one at a time rather than carrying as a bunch by the stems.
  • If your crystal breaks and you can save it, use a clear-drying epoxy that was made just for glass and glue it back together. Then set in the sun for a bit to help the bonding process.

Crystal Cleaning Tips

  • Dust can act as an abrasive and can "scratch" the surface. Make sure you only clean with a mild detergent and use a lint free cloth for drying.
  • For glasses with gold rims or an edge design, never soak in solutions containing ammonia. Stick to using a mild detergent only.
  • Always hand wash when possible or if you are brave enough to put your crystal in the dishwasher (not recommended), make sure you use a very gentle cycle and mild detergent. When washing by hand and after rinsing, fill the bowls or flutes with clean hot water and leave them sit until you are ready to dry them. Using a clean cotton dish towel will polish and clean a warm wet glass very quickly. If you let the glasses air dry and then try to dry them you can wind up with smears and streaks on the glass.
  • When washing, use only warm water AND rinse with warm water. Quick changes in temperature can cause cracking or clouding.
  • If you notice that your crystal has a haze or clouding look to it and are having trouble removing it, you need to move to the next level and try cleaning with a hard water stain remover such as CLR or Lime Away. Some people have even used very fine steel wool with a mild dish detergent to remove stubborn haze. But I wouldn't resort to the steel wool unless none of the other solutions worked.
  • When washing, make sure you have a rubber matt in the sink bottom, or a towel just incase your hands are slippery and the glass drops.
  • Wash your crystal before food can harden. This will make it much easier to clean without having to put hard pressure on the item or scrap it causing scratches.
  • Add a little vinegar to the dish water to keep hard water spots from appearing.
    Crystal is a beautiful keepsake that can be handed down from generation to generation. Taking these extra steps will preserve your crystal for years to come!

