星期二, 十二月 16, 2008


* Account details will be provided upon confirmation of order.

1. Cash Deposit at ATM

p/s: Balance will be kept into customer's account for next orders.
Eg: If customer bank in RM50 for order amount of RM46.90, RM3.10 will be kept into our account until next purchase.

2. Interbank Funds Transfer

Interbank Funds Transfer can be made online, through various banking facilities.

Payment steps :

1) Choose payment method > Interbank Funds Transfer
2) Confirm the order and the amount.
3) Go to your Internet Banking (eg: Maybank2U)
4) Make the payment.
5) Inform us your order number & bank transaction number by sending email to
6) We will verify your payment.
7) If the payment is cleared, we will deliver the items to your shippping address.

